Why has she done this?
A new day is dawning, my friends. It goes like this:
Our struggles are almost over.
Just as before, it was surprisingly quick and easy once we set our minds to it.
We were doing the right thing all along, we just didn’t quite believe that we could reach the end of it all.
This world is waking up, I’m here to tell you. Our billion year suffering is almost over.
There is, in fact, a better way, and we are finding it.
Should a baby feel ashamed of the pain his mother went through during his birth? No, but neither should he be unmoved by it.
Mother Earth has endured great pain to bring our species into existence on this planet. To feel only shame about the wreckage we’ve caused to our mother’s womb would be to miss the most central point, which is that she would not have done this for no reason.
Are you really so naive to think that she would make such an extraordinary sacrifice for no reason? She certainly would not.
In fact she has done this for a very good reason, and that reason is within you. Now it is up to you to find that reason, and to rise to the extraordinary occasion.